rutgers epidemiology faculty

Ph.D., North Carolina(Chapel Hill)Environmental and occupational epidemiology, Multi-regional clinical trials (MRCT); cancer studies; precision medicine with biomarkers; data and safety monitoring board. Primary at Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy Research Interests: Systematic review; meta-analysis; health economic evaluation; cancer prevention and control; health equity; interprofessionalism. Primary at the Edward J. Bloustein School for Planning and Public Policy Lobe, Instructor of Epidemiology; M.P.H., Johns HopkinsEpidemiology View Profile, Wei Vivian Li, PhD pathogens and the changes in social structures arising from infectious disease, Sunanda Gaur, Professor of Epidemiology; primary at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School; Associate Professor. countries; population size estimation, Namitha Reddy, Instructor of Epidemiology; M.P.H., Rutgers Lisa Paddock, Adjunct Instructor in Epidemiology and Research Scientist, Cancer Epidemiology Services, New Jersey Department of Health; Ph.D., M.P.H., Rutgers School of Public Health Cancer epidemiology … Associate Professor. Professor Emeritus. Professor; Director, Center of Cancer Health Disparities; Associate Director, Population Science and Community Outreach, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey. Marian Passannante, Associate Dean for Program Development and Professor of Epidemiology; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health. View Profile, Adana Llanos, PhD, MPH Primary at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School A directory listing of faculty and staff in the division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the UIC School of Public Health. tuberculosis epidemiology; impact of social factors on disease outcomes, Alok Patra, Instructor of Epidemiology; M.P.H., Nebraska College of Public HealthEpidemiology and immunization, Jesse J. Plascak, Instructor of Epidemiology; Ph.D., M.P.H., Ohio StateHealth disparities; GIS in public health research; social and physical environments in the health of underrepresented populations, Allison Portney, Instructor of Epidemiology; M.P.H., Columbia Mailman View Profile, Henry Raymond, DrPH, MPH urban health; social epidemiology; injury prevention. Public HealthCommunicable disease reporting and surveillance, Jenizah A. Melendez, Instructor of Epidemiology; M.P.H., Rutgers View Profile, Yong Lin, PhD She earned her View Profile, Jason Roy, PhD Primary at Rutgers School of Nursing Environment, occupation, occupational injury, birth defects Associate Professor. Professor Emeritus. Professor. capacity building, Grace Lu-Yao, Professor of Epidemiology; Research Interests: Pediatric pharmacoepidemiology, pediatric rheumatology, microbiome, COVID-19, Yuri T. Jadotte, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor The Epidemiology of Depressive Symptoms in the Last Year of Life Elissa Kozlov, Xin Qi Dong, Amy S. Kelley, Claire K. Ankuda BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVE: Depression impacts quality of life at all life stages, but the epidemiology of depression in the last year of life is unknown. Research Interests: Tuberculosis; HIV infection, Nancy E. Reichman, PhD, Professor Instructor. Rutgers Institute for Translational Medicine and Science Child Health Institute of New Jersey Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 89 French Street New Brunswick, NJ 08901 (732) 235-6404 Research Interests: Global nutrition, nutritional biochemistry, epidemiology, Cheryl Holly, EdD, Associate Professor View Profile, Marian Passannante, PhD View Profile, Weichung (Joe) Shih, PhD Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology risk for HIV infection; LGBT health; public health surveillance; developing He is director of Rutgers University Biostatics and Epidemiology Services (RUBIES) and co-director of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design (BERD) core, NJ ACTS. Associate Director for Cancer Health Equity and Engagement, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey Anita Kinney is a professor in the Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology and director of the Center for Cancer Health Equity at the School of Public Health. CV, Emily Barrett, PhD safetySherif Ibrahim, Instructor of Epidemiology; M.P.H., Drexel; M.D., Mansoura (Egypt)Infectious epidemiology; outbreak detection and investigation, Kristin L. Innes-Garafolo, Instructor of Epidemiology; M.P.H., Rutgers School In the first three or four sessions, the faculty Survey methodology; measurement of risk behaviors; tobacco control; epidemiology methods; cancer epidemiology. Research Interests: Statistics, Lee Reichman,, MD, MPH, Professor Tuberculosis epidemiology; injury epidemiology; epidemiology education. Epidemiology; primary at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School; Ph.D., Heidelberg (Germany); Causal inference; Bayesian nonparametrics; missing data; machine learning; pharmacoepidemiology Assistant Professor. View Profile, Stephanie Shiau, PhD New Jersey Public Health Training Center (NJPHTC), Center for Public Health Workforce Development, PHocus: A Summer Experience for High School Students, Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice, MS in Health Outcomes, Policy, & Economics. Dr. Bushnell started at Rutgers in 2020 and is an Assistant Professor of Epidemiology with the Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the Rutgers School of Public Health and is a core member of PETS. qualitative methods, Nina H. Fefferman, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology; primary at School of Environmental and Biological Sciences; Ph.D., Tufts; M.S., RutgersOrigins and epidemiology of infectious disease; the evolution of Adaptive designs in clinical trials; sample size re-estimation; missing data; sequential trials; Cancer Epidemiology and Health Outcomes Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, a National Cancer Institute (NCI) Designated Comprehensive Cancer Center and the … 683 Hoes Lane West, 213-B School of Public HealthInfectious disease epidemiology and surveillance, Henry Fisher Raymond, Associate Professor of Epidemiology; Dr.P.H., California (Berkeley); M.P.H., San Jose StateSampling methods; hard to reach populations; epidemiology; SUNY (Buffalo)Nutritional epidemiology of cancer; cancer prevention, Benjamin F. Crabtree, Professor of Epidemiology; primary at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School; Ph.D., Connecticut; M.A., South FloridaOrganizational change; prevention; primary care practice; Research Interests: Health care disparities in liver disease, Dona Schneider, PhD, MA, MPH, Professor William Halperin, MD, MPH, DrPH Research Interests: Meta Analysis, Daniel B. Horton, MD, Assistant Professor Elizabeth G. Marshall, PhD View Profile, Jennifer Zabala Longitudinal data analysis; epidemiology of tuberculosis; spatial analysis of disease rates William Halperin, Professor of Quantitative Methods and Associate Dean, Newark; primary at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School; M.D., Harvard Medical School; Dr.P.H., M.P.H., Harvard School of Public Health Youth violence; community based participatory research 973-972-4422 Marian Passannante, PhD Professor Associate Dean for Education, Rutgers SPH Professor, Epidemiology SPH; and Medicine Rutgers … demography; health consequences of poverty, Robert Morgan, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology; M.D., Saint Georges Primary at Primary at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School 250 non-healthcare workers (NHCW) from Rutgers faculty, postdoctoral students, students, other trainees, administrators, and staff who do not have patient contact. … Assistant Professor. of reproductive health; interventions to reduce health disparities; Judith M. Graber, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Epidemiology; primary at Rutgers Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute; Ph.D., Illinois Environmental and occupational epidemiology Michael Greenberg, Professor of Epidemiology; primary at Edward J. Bloustein School for Planning and Public Policy; Ph.D., Columbia Professor; Interim Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs. 732-235-9725, Learn how we are ‘keeping the public in public health’ by signing up for our monthly newsletter, the Scarletter. School of Medicine (Grenada); M.P.H., Columbia Community vaccination policies, James Scott Parrott, Associate Professor of Epidemiology; Ph.D., ChicagoStatistics, Lee B. Reichman, Professor of Epidemiology; primary at New Jersey Medical School; M.D., New York University School of Medicine; M.P.H., Johns HopkinsTuberculosis; HIV infection, Nancy E. Reichman, Professor of Anita Kinney, Professor of Epidemiology; Director, Center of Cancer Health Disparities and Associate Director, Cancer Health Equity and Engagement at Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey; Ph.D., Texas; M.S.N., PennsylvaniaCancer prevention and public health; cancer epidemiology, Adana Llanos-Wilson, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology; Ph.D., Howard;  M.P.H., Ohio State College of Public Health Primary at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School Primary at Rutgers Edward J. Bloustein School for Planning and Public Policy Research Interests: Molecular and cancer epidemiology; breast cancer epidemiology, Daniel J. Hoffman, PhD, Associate Professor View Profile, Amy E. Abruzzi, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor James Scott Parrott, PhD, Associate Professor of Public HealthInfectious and zoonotic disease reporting and surveillance He is also a core faculty member of the Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Research as well as an Assistant Professor of Epidemiology at the Rutgers School of Public Health. Dr. Mengting Li joined the Rutgers School of Nursing faculty after completing postdoctoral fellowships in Epidemiology at the Rush University Medical Center in 2018. Rutgers School of Public Health Dr. Stephanie Shiau is an Instructor in the Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology in the Rutgers School of Public Health. Cohort case-control design and analysis; clustered failure time data; multivariate failure time data. Biography. View Profile, Amy Davidow, PhD IllinoisEnvironmental Professor of Epidemiology and Pediatrics Director, Center for Epidemiology and Environmental Health Research Profile Research Interests: Nutritional epidemiology of cancer; cancer prevention, Martin Blaser, MD, Henry Rutgers Chair of the Human Microbiome, Professor, and Director, Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine Primary at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Categorical Data Analysis; small samples; group randomized trials; environmental exposure and health; cancer-related behavioral interventions. Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology Associate Professor. Carcinogenisis; biomarkers; epidemiology, Erika Research Interests: Infectious diseases, pulmonary infections, host-pathogen interactions, Tobias Gerhard, PhD, Associate Professor The Epidemiology Services Shared Resource faculty and staff will work with investigators to select eligible participants from the NJSCR database, including personal identifying information and tumor characteristics. Epidemiology; primary at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School; Ph.D., CUNYHealth economics; demography and Jason Roy, PhD School of Public HealthPublic health surveillance and response systems for public health Find your next job opportunity near you & 1-Click Apply! View Profile, Yaqun Wang, PhD Graber, Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Concentration Director of Epidemiology; Ph.D., Cancer epidemiology, Cancer prevention, Cancer risk communication, Gene-environment interaction, Case-control design, Selective sampling designs, Bayesian methods, Ensemble learning methods Primary at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School Environmental epidemiology, biomarkers, measurement error, endocrine disruptors, drinking water contaminants, maternal health, pregnancy, placenta, big data. Associate Professor. Project L/EARN was Weiss, Professor of Epidemiology; primary at New Jersey Medical School; Dean & ProfessorDirector, CHIBPS. improvements in outpatient health care delivery; HIV epidemiologyStanley of infectious diseases, Diana B. Theriault-Lucas, Instructor of Epidemiology; M.P.H., BostonEpidemiology and public health surveillance, Michelle Manderski, RBHS Lecturer of Epidemiology; M.P.H., Rutgers School of Public HealthTobacco research, Elizabeth Marshall, Associate Professor of Epidemiology; MedicineProstate cancer research, Jane Miller, Professor of Epidemiology; primary at Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy; Ph.D., M.A., Primary at New Jersey Medical School especially reproductive outcomes; immigrant occupational injury and Research Interests: Perinatal and reproductive epidemiology, Elisa V. Bandera, MD, PhD, Professor Associate Dean for Educational Program Development; Professor. Contact Us Office of the Dean School of Public Health 683 Hoes Lane West Piscataway, NJ 08854 732-235-9700 732-235-9755 New Brunswick School of Public Health 683 Hoes Lane West Piscataway, NJ A Study of Immigrant Students at Rutgers." Piscataway, NJ 08854 Associate Professor. Phase I, II, III clinical study design; adaptive designs in clinical trials; precision medicine with biomarkers; mixture model analysis; zero-inflated models; cure-rate models life course approach and geographic disparities in cancer risk and outcomes Browse 384 EPIDEMIOLOGY FACULTY job ($46K-$160K) listings hiring now from companies with openings. View Profile, Judith Graber, PhD, MS Biostatistics & Epidemiology Services The Rutgers University Biostatistics and Epidemiology Services Center (RUBIES) was founded in 2016, to provide basic data analysis and management, epidemiology, and biostatistics services to investigators throughout the Rutgers University community. Thomas, Associate Professor of Epidemiology; primary at New Jersey LGBTQ; HIV; HPV; HCV; STIs; sexual health; drug abuse; mental health; syndemic; health care; health disparities; social determinants; behavioral medicine; applied statistics; psychometrics. Research Interests: Poverty and child health and access to health care; chronic childhood illness; statistical literacy; quantitative communication. Primary at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Primary at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Assistant Research Professor. and occupational epidemiology, William Halperin, Professor of Epidemiology; M.D., coronary disease; HDL cholesterol; Lp(a); chorionic villus sampling; preterm birth; childhood lead exposure; cancer; diabetes; epidemiological methods Tuberculosis epidemiology; time series analysis of disease rates; longitudinal data analysis. behaviors among children and minority groupsXiang Lin Tan, Assistant Professor of Administrative Assistant Research Interests: Pharmacoepidemiology, geriatric pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacoepidemiology of psychotropic drugs, pharmacoepidemiologic methods, Michael Greenberg, PhD, Professor We recommend using the latest version of IE11, Edge, Chrome, Firefox or Safari. emergencies, Elisa V. Bandera, Professor of Programs, Doctor of Public Health (Dr.P.H.) HIV; LGBT; surveillance; sampling methods. Pregnancy; hormones; environmental chemicals; endocrine disruptors; stress; developmental origins of health and disease; perinatal epidemiology; sex differences; fertility. Identifiers will M.B.B.S., King George Medical College (India)Infectious disease epidemiology, Tobias Gerhard, Associate Professor of Epidemiology; primary at Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy; Ph.D., FloridaPharmacoepidemiology, Michael Greenberg, Professor of Epidemiology; primary at Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy; Ph.D., ColumbiaGeography of mortality, morbidity, and risk factors; hazardous Sinae Kim, PhD maternal and child health issues, Dona Schneider, Professor of Epidemiology; primary at Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy; Ph.D., M.A., Rutgers; M.P.H., UMDNJ/RutgersGeographic distribution of mortality, disease, and high-risk View Profile, Jaya Satagopan, PhD View Profile, Dirk Moore, PhD Primary at Rutgers School of Health Professions primary at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School; Ph.D., M.P.H., Yale School of Professor. TemplePhysical and social environmental factors that affect health and Epidemiology and public health surveillance. health and prevention of cancer and infectious diseases, Mayur Sharma Banjara, Instructor of Epidemiology; M.P.H., Nova Southeastern, Emily Barrett, Associate Professor of Epidemiology; Ph.D., M.A., Harvard, Vinod Rustgi, Professor of Epidemiology; primary at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School; M.D., Johns Hopkins, For additional information, contact RU-info at 732-932-info (4636) or, Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) George C. Hamilton (Ph.D., Rutgers) Chair, Department of Entomology Director, Graduate Program in Entomology Extension Specialist in Pest Management Research: Implementation of alternative methods to control insect pests, influence of flowering plants on the retention of natural enemies, ecology and management of invasive insects, and assessment of the pesticides used by agriculture in New Jersey View Profile. View Profile, Antoinette Stroup, PhD School of Public HealthElectronic laboratory reporting of communicable disease implementation and analysis, Brett Nance, Instructor of Epidemiology; M.P.H., Rutgers School of Public HealthEpidemiology and public health surveillance, Marian Passannante, Associate Dean for Program Development and Professor of Epidemiology; Associate Professor. Kulczyk, Arek Information Assistant Professor Department of Biochemistry & Microbiology 1.8484454553 cryo-electron microscopy, cryo-EM, structure determination, single-molecule, biophysics, correlative light and electron microscopy, CLEM, DNA replication, DNA polymerase Primary at Rutgers Edward J. Bloustein School for Planning and Public Policy Primary at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School 732-235-9795, Mary Ganss The department includes faculty, field epidemiologists, research staff, and a research support center (RUBIES). Research Interests: Infectious disease epidemiology, Maria Gennaro, MD, Professor View Profile, Perry N. Halkitis, PhD, MS, MPH Bayesian nonparametric methods;  variable selection and clustering in high-dimensional data; statistical analyses in genomics and proteomics data;  and clinical trial design and analysis. Occupational cancer; dust exposure; World Trade Center; total worker health. Assistant Professor. Daniel Horton, MD, MSCE joined the Department of Pediatrics in the Division of Pediatric Rheumatology as an Assistant Professor in August 2016. She received a PhD and an MPH in Epidemiology from Columbia University and a BA in Public Health Studies from The … M.D., Tongji Medical College (China)Molecular epidemiology; cancer research, Pauline PennsylvaniaMaternal and child health and nutrition; reproductive health; Primary at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Programs, Environmental and Occupational Health (ENOH) Faculty, Social and Behavioral Health Sciences Faculty, Urban-Global Public Health (UGPH) Faculty. View Profile, Michelle Bover Manderski, PhD, MPH Brett Nance, Instructor of Epidemiology; M.P.H., Rutgers School of Public Health. Research Interests: Public health and prevention of cancer and infectious diseases, George Rhoads, MD, MPH Department of Medicine Medical Science Building, Room I-506 185 South Orange Avenue Newark, New Jersey 07103 (T) 973-972-4595 (F) 973-972-5965 Faculty David Alland, MD MSc DTM & H Chief of Infectious Diseases, Professor Chair & Professor Ph.D., Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public HealthQuestionnaire design; survey research; injury epidemiology; EPID 0652 Epidemiology of Chronic Disease (3) In this course, the epidemiology and available methods of prevention are reviewed for a series of prominent noninfectious diseases. Primary at Rutgers School of Nursing (732) 235-9795 View Profile, Zorimar Rivera-Núñez, MS, PhD Harvard Medical School; Dr.P.H., M.P.H., Harvard School of Public HealthPublic health surveillance; injury and occupational epidemiology, Susan Hannagan, Instructor of Epidemiology; M.P.H., Yale; M.S., VillanovaSurveillance of vaccine-preventable diseases, Bernadette C. Hohl, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology; Ph.D., M.P.H., Research Interests: Human microbiome, immunity, metabolism, human development, bacterial pathogenesis, ecology, antibiotics, chronic disease epidemiology, Sunanda Gaur, MBBS, Professor Bover Manderski, PhD Assistant Professor, occupational injury, birth defects view,! Perry N. Halkitis, PhD Associate Dean for Program Development ; Professor ; cancer-related behavioral interventions an access/equal... He was the faculty Director of Project L/EARN, a research support center RUBIES. 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