what is information revolution

The World Wide Web, used initially by companies as an electronic billboard for their products and services, morphed into an in… Its origins lie in the not-so-distant past—the British codebreakers at Bletchley Park during 40% off Personal Annual and Premium subscriptions for a limited time! [7] Information-related activities did not come up with the Information Revolution. •Effective information use is important across range of activities in the health system •The need for multi dimensional accurate and timely information is eminent In this case, the developments in electronics and computer technologies, along with dramatic changes in telecommunications, provided the basis for economic change. In this work the term 'information revolution' is used in a narrow sense, to describe trends in communication media. This article originally appeared in Issue# 22. The world economy has undergone enormous globalization processes before, particularly in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, but the process was continually ebbing and flowing with the winds of political and social change. The computer revolution that started in the latter part of the 20th century is potentially just as significant as the industrial revolution that began two centuries before it—and it may well turn out to have even more impact on the way that human beings live, work, and communicate with each other. By systematizing facilities via computers that provide reliable information across wide networks, top executives have a diminished need for middle-level managers, leading to the wave of downsizing and restructuring that characterized the 1980s and 1990s. //]]>. iron) using energy and information (production and process technologies, management, etc.). Throughout the Industrial Revolution, there was a common expectation of more or less continued economic growth, a concept largely foreign to previous epochs in which subsistence and extremely modest growth were the norm. InformationWeek, April 24, 2000. [5] Many other authors presented their views, including Zbigniew Brzezinski (1976) with his "Technetronic Society".[6]. https://www.encyclopedia.com/economics/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/information-revolution-vs-industrial-revolution, The Social Impact of the Industrial Revolution. "The Other Side of Cyberspace." Taylor, Timothy. Of course, as of the early 2000s e-commerce still had a long way to go before turning this theory into a smooth reality; e-commerce models were still in the gestation process, and no clear paradigm had emerged to set the stage for the explosive e-commerce growth most analysts expected was on the way. These apply both to the object of each economic activity, as well as within each economic activity or enterprise. Information and translations of information revolution in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. While Castells argues against critics' claims that the Information Revolution was producing a numbing glut of information, he points out that information technology was not the panacea for global ills that it was sometimes painted to be. Executive Excellence, April 2000. In the information economy, work is much more flexible, favoring more fluid schedules and multitasking, in which workers are expected to perform several jobs more or less simultaneously and respond to immediate demands as they arise rather than coordinate their work solely by the clock. The expression “information technology revolution” is commonly used to refer to a far-reaching phenomenon related to innovations that are occurring at a phenomenal rate in the information and communication technologies (ICTs). information revolution is enabling the creation of a rapid learning network to enable our global health care system to quickly find out what treatments work best and which don’t. Innovations—be they new products, industrial processes, communications, or transportations—generally proved a boon to certain economic sectors into which investment capital flowed. Information revolution definition: A revolution in a particular area of human activity is an important change in that area. The French Revolution was a watershed event in modern European history that began in 1789 and ended in the late 1790s with the ascent of Napoleon Bonaparte. █ JUDSON KNIGHT information revolution is enabling the creation of a rapid learning network to enable our global health care system to quickly find out what treatments work best and which don’t. Economic espionage, sometimes known as industrial espionage, is spying conducted for the benefit of a commercial o…, The concept of industrialization implies the movement of an economy from a primarily agricultural basis to a mixed or industrial/service basis with a…, Industrial Revolution is the name given by the German socialist author Friedrich Engels (1820–1895) in 1844 to changes that took place in Great Brita…, Information Processing: Historical Perspectives, Information Disclosure, Ethical Issues of, Information Computer Systems Institute: Tabular Data, Information Computer Systems Institute: Narrative Description, Information and Other Technology Development, Information Technology Industry Alliance of Nova Scotia, Informed Consent: I. Many competing terms have been proposed that focus on different aspects of this societal development. Some have begun to call it the Information Revolution. Cote, Marcel. Wiener stated: "information is information not matter or energy". ." ." The relationship between technology and social history raises two kinds of considerations. borders and other restrictions—would lead to a market-led democratization that went far beyond the possibilities of the welfare-state democracies of the Industrial Revolution. The Pros and Cons of the Internet and Information Revolution. The attempts to theorize a new economic and social era—particularly one whose effects have yet to be fully realized—inevitably generated widely disparate definitions and characteristics of the Information Revolution, not to mention predictions, prescriptions, and levels of enthusiasm. The slowdown in the U.S. economy of the early 2000s gave pause to some commentators, but it remained to be seen how much of a setback that downturn would prove to be; while some skeptics argued that the slowdown proved that the 1990s boom was an anomaly based on speculative bubbles, others argued that the recession was a mere market adjustment amidst a profoundly new economic era. The term information revolution describes current economic, social and technological trends beyond the Industrial Revolution. Encyclopedia.com. The transformation of work was potentially even more dramatic than that produced by the Industrial Revolution, given that, in the information economy, nearly every profession was likely to undergo radical alteration as computer systems and the Internet infiltrate the farthest reaches of the economy. He asserted that science is becoming a "productive force", using the Marxist Theory of Productive Forces. Start studying the information revolution. Castells argued that as powerful new information technologies are grafted onto and reshape the existing economic order, their development will produce not only vast new concentrations of wealth, but rising inequality, social exclusion, and psychological bewilderment on a global scale. For instance, an industry may process matter (e.g. They existed, in one form or the other, in all human societies, and eventually developed into institutions, such as the Platonic Academy, Aristotle's Peripatetic school in the Lyceum, the Musaeum and the Library of Alexandria, or the schools of Babylonian astronomy. Humankind has seen many great inventions, innovations and discoveries. Information and translations of information revolution in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. The Information Revolution has created a digital world where more data is created in a single second than existed on the entire planet 200 years ago. Our best deal EVER is back! The information revolution is a phenomenon that defies simple characterization. More egalitarian societies, on the other hand, were more likely to use information technologies for democratic, egalitarian purposes. Since even the most enthusiastic proponents of the Information Revolution agreed that, in the early 21st century, the new era was still in its infancy, it remained to be seen whether the Information Revolution would truly revolutionize society on a scale comparable with the Industrial Revolution, which produced greater change in just two centuries than occurred in the rest of human history combined. All products have use value, exchange value, and informational value. By virtue of annual growth rates, if one were to locate the true onset of the Information Revolution immediately following the Cold War with the dissemination of the Internet to critical mass, one would find similar characteristics. The Information Revolution was unlikely to leave many layers of work untouched, as everyone from knowledge-intensive workers to manual laborers to government officials would likely see the routines they came to know swept aside in favor of more computer-intensive processes. •Appropriate and timely use of health and health related information is an essential element in the process of transforming the health sector. Gale Encyclopedia of E-Commerce. What does information revolution mean? See more. French Revolution, revolutionary movement that shook France between 1787 and 1799 and reached its first climax there in 1789—hence the conventional term ‘Revolution of 1789,’ denoting the end of the ancien regime in France and serving also to distinguish that event from the … The Pros and Cons of the Internet and Information Revolution. CA Magazine, April 2000. Like previous economic revolutions, the Information Revolution is marked most noticeably by a series of technological breakthroughs. [4], Daniel Bell (1980) challenged this theory and advocated post-industrial society, which would lead to a service economy rather than socialism. OpenText believes analytics is the key to meeting the most pressing needs of anyone deluged in data and trying to make sense of it all. The Agricultural Revolution and the Industrial Revolution came up when new informational inputs were produced by individual innovators, or by scientific and technical institutions. Philippine Revolution (1896–98), Filipino independence struggle that exposed the weakness of Spanish colonial rule but failed to evict Spain from the islands. This is being done at a time when some questions regarding the advantages of globalization on the financial aspects of economic, political, cultural, ideological, media and E-commerce, in theory, takes the potential of the information economy to its logical conclusion by propelling commercial activity into the borderless world of hyperspace, where transactions for everything from groceries to industrial equipment take place with little regard for geography and with nearly instantaneous satisfaction of commercial wants. This radical restructuring of work in the late 20th and early 21st centuries had a profound impact on the role of organized labor in society. In addition, the Industrial Revolution shifted the center of economic activity from agriculture to industry and manufacturing. Refer to each style’s convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. New York: The Free Press, 1999. The upheaval was caused by widespread discontent with the French monarchy and the poor … In many instances,…, Economic Espionage "Information Revolution Vs. Industrial Revolution Meaning of information revolution. This era brought about a time period in which people could access information and knowledge easily. Mills, C. W. (1951),"White Collar: The American Middle Classes", Oxford University Press. The most direct forebears to the Information Revolution appeared around World War II in the 1940s. Communication World, March 1999. The onrushing information ubiquity, with its increasingly complete and universal access to … Fukuyama argued that the wealth of information at consumers' fingertips—combined with the ability to seek out and shop for exactly what they want without regard to Krauss, Michael. The Information Revolution has created a digital world where more data is created in a single second than existed on the entire planet 200 years ago. Information-related activities did not come up with the Information Revolution. The main feature of the information revolution is the growing economic, social and technological role of information. Rather, what became known as the Information Revolution, although largely associated with the closing decades of the 20th century, had direct roots in the thick of the Industrial Age. One of the best-known theorists of the Information Revolution was Manuel Castells, professor of sociology and planning at the University of California at Berkeley. Information is the central theme of several new sciences, which emerged in the 1940s, including Shannon's (1949) Information Theory[8] and Wiener's (1948) Cybernetics. The information revolution was enabled by advances in semiconductor technology, particularly the metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) and the integrated circuit (IC) chip, leading to the Information Age in the early 21st century. Authoritarian, exclusionary, inegalitarian societies, according to Castells, will likely use information age technologies as tools to consolidate power, expand social divisions and inequality, and increase the level of exclusion. On the one hand, this created an economic environment in which centralized, hierarchical managerial bureaucracies were essential to organize production and maintain control over the production process. Sign up to expand your technology skills and save TODAY! He observes that the first information revolution was the invention of writing 5 or 6 thousand years ago originally in Mesopotamia, the second was the invention of books (scrolls), originally in China as early as 1300 B.C., and the third, Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press and movable type between 1450 and 1455. Encyclopedia.com. The creation of the information superhighway, for instance, could conceivably have effects on demographics as dramatic as—but very different in character from—those caused by the Industrial Revolution. The Great Disruption: Human Nature and the Reconstitution of Social Order. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, Encyclopedia.com cannot guarantee each citation it generates. Gale Encyclopedia of E-Commerce. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Moreover, while Fukuyama sees the Industrial Revolution as massively disruptive of the traditional family unit, he argues that the Information Revolution holds possibilities of reconstructing the nuclear family as a central social network. One whole orbit or revolution around the sun takes approximately 365.25 days, which comes out to a year. Information revolution definition: A revolution in a particular area of human activity is an important change in that area. Revolution definition, an overthrow or repudiation and the thorough replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed. The computer revolution that started in the latter part of the 20th century is potentially just as significant as the industrial revolution that began two centuries before it—and it may well turn out to have even more impact on the way that human beings live, work, and communicate with each other. Impact of the Information Revolution. computers. On the contrary, Castells sees the trajectory of the technology and their effects as largely dependent on the nature of the societies and institutions implementing them. The Revolution There is a revolution taking place all over the world. [10], The term information revolution may relate to, or contrast with, such widely used terms as Industrial Revolution and Agricultural Revolution. [18], More recent estimates have reached the following results:[19], Economic, social and technological trends beyond the Industrial Revolution, Information in social and economic activities, Measuring and modeling the information revolution, metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor, "Modeling the transition from the Industrial to the Informational Revolution", "video animation on The World’s Technological Capacity to Store, Communicate, and Compute Information from 1986 to 2010, Measuring the Information Economy: OECD reports, OECD Guide for Measuring the Information Society, OECD "Measuring the Information Economy 2002", The Information Revolution by Fractal-Vortex, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Information_revolution&oldid=992875230, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. [3] After some controversy, the term was taken up by authors and institutions of the then-Soviet Bloc. © 2019 Encyclopedia.com | All rights reserved. A convergence is happening in technical aspects between computing and telecommunication, in contents between text, images, voice and sound, and in … Within the “Cite this article” tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. The information revolution is about sharing these developments in a way that has never been done before. The level of globalization fostered by the Information Revolution, however, is altogether unprecedented in human history, as the speed with which information, transactions, and capital can travel virtually anywhere in the world render distance almost obsolete, at least in certain key economic sectors. The mass-scale, centralized-factory paradigm of the Industrial Revolution featured a production process in which individual workers were relatively "de-skilled" compared to their predecessors, and had only to perform minute functions requiring little training and with little overall understanding of the production process as a whole. Title: Microsoft PowerPoint - NYU Lesson 03 Technology.ppt Author: Edward Kerschner Created Date: 2/4/2004 1:19:43 PM Note, however, that you may prefer mentalist to materialist paradigm. What needs to be done to either take advantage of the benefits of the Information Revolution, or—if one is of a different theoretical persuasion—what steps must be taken to mitigate its worst effects? A convergence is happening in technical aspects between computing and telecommunication, in contents between text, images, voice and sound, and in the … It is the revolution of information. Industries develop information-generating activities, the so-called, Enterprises, and society at large, develop the information control and processing functions, in the form of management structures; these are also called ". Meaning of information revolution. Flexible schedules and dispersed production facilities render the traditional models of labor organizing extremely difficult, and by the early 21st century no dominant model of labor organization had emerged to suit the information economy. [16], Porat (1976) measured the information sector in the US using the input-output analysis; OECD has included statistics on the information sector in the economic reports of its member countries. By the late 20th century, the leading economic sectors, particularly in the United States, were those involving electronics, computers, high technology, telecommunications, and related service sectors. Among these technologies were electronics and computers, which shortly after the war began to be applied more broadly in the business world. History of Informed Consent, Informed Consent: II. How did the Industrial Revolution alter previously existing conceptions of economics, social organization, the nature of work, cultural patterns, and so on? Castells sees the technology-centered vision, in which social ills are fixed via technological means, as fundamentally flawed. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. In addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. [CDATA[ Information revolution is a period of change that might prove as significant to the lives of people. Information Revolution Vs. Industrial Revolution Through the first half of the 20th century, the economic center was dominated by science-based technologies, particularly those related to steel, chemicals, the internal combustion engine, and electricity, such as automotive technologies and petroleum-based industries. https://www.encyclopedia.com/economics/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/information-revolution-vs-industrial-revolution, "Information Revolution Vs. Industrial Revolution Quizlet flashcards, activities and games help you improve your grades. •Effective information use is important across range of activities in the health system •The need for multi dimensional accurate and timely information is eminent Public Interest, Spring 2001. Viewed broadly, the Industrial Revolution can be broken into three major phases. . With the vastly enhanced powers of memory, calculation, and control placed in a microscopic chip, computers were poised to assume a central role in economic life. With information technology leading to supply chain management, just-in-time manufacturing, and mass customization, production processes were being retooled to facilitate greater flexibility in production scheduling, while distribution and transactions were increasingly channeled through handfuls of industry-specific Internet-based marketplaces. The latter can be measured by the information content of the product, in terms of innovation, design, etc. As a result, companies were able to produce at vastly accelerated rates while keeping costs down, leading to tremendous profits that, in boom times, afforded them the option of paying higher wages in order to quell labor unrest. For three decades we have been concerned about the effect and affect of computers on human life. While maintaining great faith in the powers of Enlightenment values of reason and science to propel humankind to a better world, he cautioned that, "there is an extraordinary gap between our technological overdevelopment and our social underdevelopment.". In terms of social relationships and relationships to the production process, the Information Revolution has indeed led to radical transformations. Like previous economic revolutions, the Information Revolution is marked most noticeably by a series of technological breakthroughs. New technologies provided new avenues for investment and growth; capital flowed heavily from one technology to another, and often from one location to another in accordance with technological developments. Following this breakthrough, computers came to constitute the central infrastructure of everything from office telephone networks to transportation control systems to industrial production facilities, setting the stage for further information-breakthroughs once the vastly enhanced communication powers of the Internet were unleashed. The Earth's revolution occurs in two different ways. [11][12], These works can be seen as following the path originated with the work of Fritz Machlup who in his (1962) book "The Production and Distribution of Knowledge in the United States", claimed that the "knowledge industry represented 29% of the US gross national product", which he saw as evidence that the Information Age had begun. ." Drucker, Peter. Foreign Policy, Summer 2000. Moreover, the geographical dispersal of production facilities and the enhanced means of computer controls overhauled the relationships between workers and the nature of work itself. There is no blood shed in this revolution. We should have been questioning the effect and affect of information availability on human life. We have been obsessed with the delivery system. The information revolution is a phenomenon that defies simple characterization. Why is Information Revolution a transformation agenda? During the Information Revolution all these activities are experiencing continuous growth, while other information-oriented activities are emerging. The first phase, in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, saw the development of textiles, coal, and iron into modern industries. Of course, one of the preeminent—and least expected—hallmarks of the Information Revolution is electronic commerce. By Hank Koehn. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Industrial parts producers, for example, are accustomed to working an assembly line in more or less consistent fashion, building products destined for distribution via long-established logistics partners. In this case, the developments in electronics and computer technologies, along with dramatic changes in telecommunications, provided the basis for economic change. At the most basic level, the Industrial Revolution calls to mind a succession of breakthrough inventions: the steam engine, the cotton gin, railroads, and so on. Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. The Information Age began around the 1970s and is still going on today. Consent Issues in Human Research. "Thinking About a 'New Economy."' Using the Internet, students in developing countries have the ability to learn skills that lead to employment at multinational corporations like Paul's. Its origins lie in the not-so-distant past—the British codebreakers at Bletchley Park during The engine of this rapid growth was technological innovation. "Reinventing Our Jobs." The information revolution was enabled by advances in semiconductor technology, particularly the metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) and the integrated circuit (IC) chip,[1][2] leading to the Information Age in the early 21st century. Thus, that revolution completely overhauled both the geography of the industrial countries and the way social life was organized. While each of these epochs ushered in sweeping changes and innovations, they also produced profound social disruptions, as individuals and groups readjusted their places in society, often resulting in great upheaval. . SEE ALSO: Cyberculture: Society, Culture, and the Internet; Digital Divide; Internet and WWW, History of the; Knowledge Worker; Mass Customization; New Economy. Like the Industrial Revolution and most historical periods, the Information Revolution wasn't as abrupt a cataclysm as the name might suggest. The second occurred in the mid-19th century, with the opening of new territories to economic development and the overhauling of transportation via the large-scale implementation of railroad systems, aided by developments such as the steam engine. Fukuyama, Francis. From the beginning of the decade until the end, new forms of entertainment, commerce, research, work, and communication became commonplace in … This allows businesses to concentrate their particular production facilities where they are optimally efficient—for example, where labor costs and regulatory red tape are minimal—leading to greater profit margins. Cons of the Industrial Revolution a period of change that might prove as significant to the object of economic!, these technologies were electronics and computers, which shortly After the effort! Measure the magnitude of the Internet and information Revolution. became more integrated, the information Revolution.,. 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