gewehr 88 ammo

The most common use for .318" bullets these days are for the even milder 8x57R/360 and sometimes the hotter loaded 8x57R in double barrel and single shot rifles. That's a nice one.....In original Gewehr 1888 configuration too, rather than converted at a later date for use with ammunition chargers, rather than the en bloc clips so not either a 88/05 or 88/14. Gewehr 1888/05. The invention of smokeless powder in the late 19th century immediately rendered all of the large-bore black powder rifles then in use obsolete. Hard to find original ammo and clip for your GEW 88 Commission rifle. The invention of smokeless powder in the late 19th century immediately rendered all of the large-bore black powder rifles then in use obsolete. Length. The 1903 pattern … This is the “Patrone 88” cartridge. Free shipping. Barrel Length. Such conversions included charger guides on the rear of the action and blocking the hole at the base of the magazine well with a spring steel cover. Pre-Owned. I'm currently building one from parts and using a brand new (old surplus!) Felix says: May 4, 2020 at 6:11 pm 3 million rounds and 25,000 rifles is only 120 rounds per gun. On the other hand, I hope that it reviews about it Ca Ammo And Gew 88 Ammo will end up being useful. Model chambered in 7.92x57mm Mauser. Made in 1891 so this is an antique, no FFL/transfer needed. Hey all, I am getting more and more confused and a bit disgusted trying to find info on reloading for the gew 88. Wooden stock. To keep pace with the French (who had adopted smokeless powder "small bore" ammunition for their Lebel Model 1886 rifle) the Germans … Bullet diameter of 0.318”. Rifle is in excellent shape, bore is bright and clean. I may soon be getting a Gewehr 88 from my boss, and I'm somewhat of a noob to high power rifles. Watch; german GEW88 gew 88 commission rifle parts bolt guide w spring & screw original. While the bullet shown is round nose, it is a soft-nose and not specifically for rifles of the Model 1888 action. In good looking condition and maker marked from the Danzig Arsenals in 1889. Search this Thread: Advanced Search. To keep pace with the French (who had adopted smokeless powder "small bore" ammunition for their Lebel Model 1886 rifle) the Germans … Each pouch has canvas dividers to carry individual rounds for the Gewehr 88, Karabiner 88 and … Display Modes: Linear Mode. The Gewehr 88 (commonly called the Model 1888 Commission Rifle) was a late 19th century German bolt-action rifle, adopted in 1888. Free shipping and returns on "Gew 88 Ammo And Leather Ammo Holder Online Wholesale" for No condition issues to note. Shop for Gew 88 Ammo And Leather Ammo Holder Ads Immediately . Paul Mauser took der Vaterland's acceptance of a non-Mauser rifle as a personal snub and set to work designing a series … If 323 bore than the Turk or Romanian 154 gr S Ball ammo is ok. Discussion in 'Rifle Country' started by Southyness, Dec 26, 2011. German GEW 88/05 1888 Commission Rifle REF (Reference Library). Anyways I've heard many of them use different types of ammo. Headstamp looks to be 1900 production in Dresden. Maybe 8x60R too. One decent dent in barrel sheath/jacket … Standard model. A Turked GEW 88/05 may or may not have a replacement barrel with 323 bore so it's best to slug the bore and find out. Weight. Gewehr 1888S. Many German Mauser-action sporting rifles were made with the .318 bore for years after the “S-bore” (.323") appeared on the military rifles. Free … 8x57 mm Mauser J Patrone In 1888, the German Army adopted a new bolt-action, military rifle designated the “Gewehr 88” or German Infantry Model 1888. This one has seen military service from the late 1800's thru WW1 and beyond . In 1903 Germany adapted its ball ammunition to a spitzer projectile requiring some changes to the Gewehr '88. Southyness Member. The Gewehr 98 action, using stripper clip loading with the powerful 7.92×57mm Mauser cartridge, introduced advanced infantry weapon features rapidly used in the … To keep pace with the French (who had adopted smokeless powder "small bore" ammunition for their Lebel Model 1886 rifle) the Germans … And, firing ammunition with .318″ diameter bullets in .323″ diameter bores results in very poor accuracy. Firearms » Rifles C&R » Pistols » Antique No FFL » Rimfire » Modern » Reference Library; Other … Gewehr 88 ammo question. Typical 88/05 conversion to closed box magazine, notched receiver for 8mm & has added stripper clip guide on receiver. item 2 German HUCK 8mm Mauser training / snap caps X 5 on stripper clip 2 - German HUCK 8mm Mauser training / snap caps X 5 on stripper clip. Joined: Oct 11, 2011 Messages: 15. German government driven efforts to improve the performance of the military M/88 ammunition and the service arms in which the M/88 was used resulted in the design by the Gewehr-Prüfungskommission and adaptation in 1905 of the dimensionally redesigned 7.92×57mm Mauser chambering. I think I was quite lucky to find this one on the Collector's Source website for a very fair price. But many of these have .323" bores. LEFT: The distinctive sheet steel barrel shroud of the Gew. Gewehr 88’s 5-round clip (source) In 1905 the Gewehr '88 was updated (to become the Gewehr 88/05) to load from the stripper clips used by the Mauser Gewehr 98 rifles which had been slowly replacing the earlier rifles. Antique German Gew 88/05 1888 Commission Rifle. Some info mine has the original German barrel and after slugging the barrel I decided on .318 dia bullets, I am planning on using those 200gr woodleigh bullets from midway. Switch to Threaded Mode. Rifle shows an S on the receiver indicating that it was renamed to take the 7.9 X 57S military round. Now from what I have read is that I can use 8x57 load data if kept below 45000 cup or starting loads. For those that don't know, the 1805 modification involved adding Mauser-type charger guides to the receiver (silver soldered and riveted on), and a conversion of the magazine from … Shooters planning to use modern 8 mm … Besides the chambering, the bore (designated as “S-bore”) was also dimensionally redesigned. Gewehr 1888S. Nice JBT that says FBO Joined Nov 2002; Posts 55312; EE Offline; OK, USA. As with most , this rifle … Now … By adding a clip guide bridge to the rear of the action uniformity with the … Buy It Now. You will receive one original en bloc clip and five rounds for each QTY=1 purchased. German Gewehr 88 Bolt Action Rifle chambered in 8mm Mauser. Besides the chambering, the bore (designated as "S-bore") was also dimensionally redesigned. It is a variant of the Gewehr 1888/05, with simplified construction. Licensing Category: Non-restricted; Maker: German; Model: Caliber/Gauge: 8mm; Description: SN8219R is a German GEW 88 (commission rifle). $59.95. Buy It Now. I’m impressed w/ the amount of ammo they brought in – enough to not only fight, but train with. The Gewehr 1888/05 (abbreviated as Gew 88/05 or G 88/05), is a German bolt-action rifle adopted in 1905.It is a variant of the Gewehr 1888, modified to accept stripper clips instead of the en-bloc clips.. Variants Gewehr 1888. 88. $239.95. Virtually all Gewehr 88 rifles in service have the the tell tale "notch" cut into the rear of the receiver ring to accept the slightly longer spitzer-type S Patrone cartridge. Gewehr 88/05 rifles were converted to use the Gewehr 98 type stripper clip by adding stripper clip guides to the top rear of the receiver and altering the magazine. Dimensions. Thread Status: Not open for further replies. $29.99. … Updated model, replaces the use of en-bloc clips with stripper clips. The Gewehr 88 (commonly called the Model 1888 Commission Rifle) was a late 19th-century German bolt action rifle, adopted in 1888. 88, but is better known to us as the "Commission Rifle." If so, it is said to be safe for modern 8 mm Mauser ammo, aka 8x57mmJS. It's an 1890 Steyr Gewehr 1888/05 Commision rifle in original trim with a Turkish property mark on the receiver. About fifteen years ago, someone I knew was putting Turkish 8x57mm ammo through his Gewehr 88 (he even called it was a Mauser), and not understanding why he had ruptured cases, stuck cases, hangfires… He asked if I wanted to shoot it while he fired my ’03 Springfield. Please Wait. Here is the history of the problem. The 1905 pattern … The Gewehr 88 (commonly called the Model 1888 commission rifle) was a late 19th-century German bolt action rifle, adopted in 1888.. Buy It Now. This 7.92 X 57 rifle is marked GEW88 on the receiver and dated 1890. The Gewehr 98 (abbreviated G98, Gew 98 or M98) is a German bolt action Mauser rifle firing cartridges from a 5 round internal clip-loaded magazine that was the German service rifle from 1898 to 1935, when it was replaced by the Karabiner 98k. Watch; german GEW88 gew 88 commission rifle stock parts original cleaning rod 16 1/4 in. Photo by Oleg Volk. Free shipping. The new arm went into service in 1888 as the Gew. New reproduction model 1887/88 ammunition pouches. My boss … $9.99 0 bids 4d 5h. I told him I wouldn’t shoot it on a double dog dare. Most Gew 88's have larger .321" - .323" bores. item 3 8mm Mauser … The 8x57R/360 is a completely different cartridge and is loaded … 5 round stripper clip. (Antique) Excellent condition! Italian Vetterli 6.5 carcano with ammo clips and a box of ammo $395 German Gewehr 88 is not numbers matching bolt. These rifles were originally chambered for 7.92mm Patrone 88 ammunition and had a fixed magazine. First seeing use in the Prussian war this style of rifle pouch saw continued use well into WWI by engineers, foot artillery, Signals, Support Troops as well as Landwehr and Landsturm troops. Posted: 8/15/2011 10:03:49 PM EST … The "small bore" caliber was also a new development, also designed by the Rifle Commission, and these innovations were designed to put the German military at the … item 1 8mm Mauser Snap Caps Commission Gewehr 1888 Clip 8x57 J Dummy Rounds Cupronickel 1 - 8mm Mauser Snap Caps Commission Gewehr 1888 Clip 8x57 J Dummy Rounds Cupronickel. Pre-Owned. Photo by Oleg Volk. The Gewehr 88 action isn’t bad – it’s just not as good as the succeeding Mauser actions, but would have done reasonably well if put up against the Lee-Enfield in combat, particularly in guerrilla tactics. I would not include the “Gew. It's an interesting rifle with a really cool bit of history behind it, and it looks to be in great condition. Free shipping . Thread Tools: Search this Thread: Show Printable Version. Turk barrel, and it does have a .323 bore. Click on a term to search for related topics. The Gewehr 1888/14 (abbreviated as Gew 88/14 or G 88/14), is a German bolt-action rifle adopted in 1914. As with virtually all Gewehr 88 rifles in service, this example has the the tell tale "notch" cut into the rear of the receiver ring to accept the slightly longer spitzer-type S Patrone cartridge. Hey guys, there's a Gewehr 88 at my LGS I've been eyeballing pretty hard. The only thing that gives me pause is that, well, nobody seems to make ammo for it. The invention of smokeless powder in the late 19th century immediately rendered all of the large-bore black powder rifles then in use obsolete. Email this Page. 740mm. These rifles were originally chambered for 7.92mm Patrone 88 ammunition and had a fixed magazine. Reply. $375 SOLD sell face to face FFL Sturbridge Ma cash buyer pays transfer All state and federal laws apply and will be followed Thanks for looking!View attachment 405613 View attachment 405614 View attachment 405615 View attachment 405616 . German GEW 88 Commission Rifle. GEW 88's are very pleasent shooters. RIGHT: The wing safety was a more-or-less direct copy of Paul Mauser's designs. This Commission Rifle was made in Germany by Amberg in Germany. One good source is "The German Gew 88 Commission Rifle" by Paul Scarlata available for about $35. Model chambered in 7.92x57mm Mauser.. Gewehr 1888/05. … Switch to Hybrid Mode. These used the J bore cartridge. Made of top grade smooth tanned leather like the originals. German government driven efforts to improve the performance of the military M/88 ammunition and the service arms in which the M/88 was used resulted in the design by the Gewehr-Prüfungskommission and adaptation in 1903 of the dimensionally redesigned 7.92×57mm Mauser chambering. Ammunition Loading. This indicates that it was converted to take the 7.92×57mm Mauser S Patrone, and has an If 318 bore I'd still download S Ball ammo a tad to be safe. Standard model. 88” in the designation of these rounds, myself. I … You'll want to determine if your barrel was replaced by the Turks, and if it is .323 bore diameter. If you trying to find special discount you will need to searching when special time come or holidays. 3.8kg. The powder load used for the Gewehr 88 is also less than that of any other 8 mm Mauser rifle, as the makers of the Gewehr 88 did not understand the great power of smokeless powder compared to black powder. Pre-Owned. Last edited: Tuesday at 7:56 … sherrick13. … This indicated that they were converted to take the 7.92×57mm Mauser S Patrone, and had an "S" stamped above the chamber, indicating the … 1,245mm. Always been a shotgun guy. I have often wondered in fact, whether or not it was required by German … The hotter 8x57JR is based on the Mauser cartridge but with a rim. $21.95. gewehr 88 ammo, gewehr 88 ammunition, gewehr 88 loads, gewer88 accuracy, gewhr 88 ammunition, patrone 88 rounds for sale, ppu gew 88, The first smokeless powder military rifle adopted by Germany (the German Empire, at the time), the Gewehr 88 combined features from a number of designs. Variants Gewehr 1888. German GEW 88 Muzzle Cover, Gewehr 1888 G88 Mauser Rifle, Regiment Marking WWI. Amberg GEW 88 Commision Mauser rifle. So this is an antique, no FFL/transfer needed but with a Turkish property mark on receiver! Rifle stock parts original cleaning rod 16 1/4 in clips with stripper clips new ( old surplus! says. 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